Hello and welcome to the Early Years class page!

Meet our wonderful staff!

Reception Staff

Mrs Cheetham ~ EYFS Lead and Early Reading/ Phonics Lead

Miss Hill ~ EYFS Teaching Assistant









Miss Teed Reception Teacher - Busy Bees

Miss Stubbs Reception Teacher - Brilliant Butterflies


Nursery Staff

Miss Sveikutis ~ Nursery Lead

Miss Matthews ~ EYFS Teaching Assistant

Mrs Berrisford ~ EYFS Teaching Assistant

Kingsfield reception 2024 & Nursery 2024

Take a little tour of the Early Years building ready for September! Both Reception and Nursery are included in the video...



Starting Reception & Nursery 2024

Below are links to the welcome to slides that were shared in the meetings with all useful information! Any questions please email a.cheetham@cflptrust.co.uk

Kingsfield Reception Presentation

Kingsfield Nursery Presentation


School Communications...

Platforms explained! At Kingsfield First School we run different electronic platforms and as a new parents it can be a little over whelming! Click on the link to see an image to break it down and give a clear picture!

Home Learning Evidence Me

Nursery and reception children! We would love to see what Autumnal things you are getting up to! Anything from a autumn walk, or rainy day activity. We would love it if you would take some photos and share them on evidence me with us!


Unsure of how to upload an evidence me? click on the link below for a guide!


Owsblog...: October...

Take a look at our weekly sways and see what our EYFS get up to!

Parent Workshops 2024-2025

Evidence Me

Monday 9th September


Evidence me was mentioned in the welcome to meeting. It is our platform to collect and share your child's learning journey. Those that already attended our Nursery do not need to attend as you are already set up. However, if you are new to Kingsfield then we welcome you to pop into school to get a quick run through the program and get you all set up there and then!

All you need is your phone and to know your email address!


Tuesday 17th September - RECEPTION PHONICS INFORMATION SESSION - 2 times available 

For a set of the slides incase you missed the workshop, click the link below!

Phonics in the Early Years

Phonics in Nursery

If your child is in nursery you will already be aware that we follow ‘Little Wandle, Letters and Sounds Revised’. Below is a link to a page that will inform you of your child’s phonic content and learning that is taking place each week. Please click on the link to see what they are getting up to so you can practise at home!Little Wandle

Click here for the nursery content!




Parent support video of how to use the blending phonic pack!

Mrs Cheetham and Mrs Spencer had some fun making this!

Parent support video to practise tricky words!

Use your child’s blue home school links book to see which words your child does not yet know (those that are circled) and give this game a go! Watch Mrs Cheetham and her volunteer play!

Phonics in Reception

If your child is in reception you will already be aware that we follow ‘Little Wandle, Letters and Sounds Revised’. In the EYFS weekly sway we will inform you of your child’s phonic content and learning that is taking place each week. You can see what they are getting up to so you can practise at home!Little Wandle



Take a look at what exciting things our Early Years children will be getting up to!

Below is the Long Term Plan for Autumn Term outlining the coverage for the 2 year groups. Then underneath you will find the the knowledge organisers which are our medium term plans with more detail for each year group.

Reception Baseline Assessments

The link below provides useful information about the statutory Reception Baseline Assessment that children will complete in September.



Mrs Cheetham's email address -  Early Years leader and Classroom Teacher
