Our Values & Ethos

Visions and Values

Our school motto

Learn together, play together, succeed together.

School Aims

At Kingsfield First School our aims are:

  • For every child to feel happy, healthy, safe and valued in school so that they may develop into happy and confident members of society.
  • To develop lively and enquiring minds gaining knowledge and understanding and thus develop a lifelong love of learning.
  • To develop tolerance and have respect for the religious and moral beliefs, rights and views of others.
  • To appreciate everyone’s achievements and aspirations.

School Values




Built in 1908, Kingsfield First School is at the heart of the Biddulph town centre. Generations of families have attended the school and we are very much working in partnership with our local community. Working together with our stakeholders allows us to become stronger and achieve the best outcomes for all pupils.  The success of the school is built on the strong relationships between staff, parents & carers, other schools, outside agencies and local visitors.

Our wealthy school environment consisting of woodland areas, sports fields, computer suite, music room, cookery room, library, outdoor adventure trails, and generous teaching rooms provides a rich variety of opportunities for our Nursery to Year 4 children. Together with our dedicated staff who strive to provide a welcoming, happy and secure place where children will flourish, is what makes Kingsfield unique. Our pupils leave us as responsibly, achieving individuals and they then head off together of our two local Middle Schools in Biddulph.


All lessons have the same high expectations for all pupils. Achievement in all subject areas is tracked and our progressive curriculum ensures pupils gain a deep understanding and embedded key skills. We recognise that children have different family backgrounds, different starting points and strengths and we ensure the support is in place, to gain maximum pupil fulfillment for all children.

Successes within lessons are celebrated, as too are pupil achievements outside of school, along with school events such as the choir’s performance.  We recognise that our pupils have a range of interests and we endeavor to provide opportunities that identify and show case them through lessons, partnership school events and clubs.


At Kingsfield we nurture and grow individual children, whose personalities are unique, valued and respected by all.   We believe that personal qualities, combined with talents and academic achievement provide for a well-rounded, balanced pupil to succeed and achieve their future prospect’s.  Developing a strong moral compass where pupils have a sense of responsibility is key to developing confident, independent citizens. Strategies to achieve this include class leadership roles such as the class “Super Friend,” school council representative and the Eco Warrior to name a few.  We also use emotion boards, worry monsters, nurture based groups, peer mentors, monitors, links within the local community, team work, staff training and work with outside professionals to provide any specialist support.


We aim to ignite interest and inspire future dreams. This we achieve through a topic-based curriculum that drives standards in the core and non-core subjects.  Teachers, alongside Subject Leaders have developed a progressive, engaging curriculum which drives learning, imparts knowledge and embeds skills.  Entwined through this are carefully planned trips, guest visitors, enrichment days, clubs, forest schools, community events and partnership school activities all of which provide pupils with a variety of experiences to unlock new talents, make strong connections to embed learning, gain knowledge and deepen their verbal communication.

The Children First Learning Partnership


The Children First Learning Partnership is a community of schools in which our children come first; we are proud of each and every one of them and want them to thrive, flourish and achieve their full potential within a supportive and caring environment.

Our vision is to be one of the highest performing and constantly improving Trusts in the country with capacity and capability to support others for the benefit of all children


We will achieve this:

  • through excellent teaching that challenges and inspires and through providing enrichment opportunities that support each child’s development.
  • by building a strong and collegiate identity for our Trust whilst recognising that each school within the Children First Learning Partnership has its own unique characteristics.
  • through collaboration and joint working we will develop a culture in which we trust each other to ensure that all our schools share in, and benefit from, each other’s strengths.
  • by recruiting, retaining and developing the highest quality staff who nurture and inspire in order to deliver the best educational outcomes – and be the employer of choice.
  • ensuring leadership development is focused on empowerment, accountability and improvement at every level
  • by working in partnership with other schools, MAT’s and agencies to ensure that each school is at the heart of its community;
  • by ensuring Members and Directors are accountable for the educational outcomes of every child in every school in the Trust, and the overall combined success of the MAT, including its financial viability, sustainability and integrity as we develop and grow.
  • by ensuring that our Trust’s sense of responsibility and accountability for every child’s success permeates through all our schools, every Local Advisory Board (LAB) and every member of staff.