At Kingsfield, across Key Stage 1 and 2, Mathematics is immersed into the curriculum and is taught daily in a Maths lessons which is predominantly taught in the morning and through cross curricular links where possible to embed knowledge and skills.

As stated within our intent, at Kingsfield we teach Mathematics through the CPA approach which allows children to have a full understanding in their mathematical knowledge rather than just being able to apply the skill. If you would like to know more about the CPA approach, please click on the link below.

Below gives you more information to what Mathematics looks like in each year group.


Children are assessed periodically assessed against the National Curriculum expectations to ensure children continue to make progress.

We ensure that children progress in their Mathematics knowledge through:

- Daily Maths sessions, where vocabulary is key.

-  The use of a range of concrete and pictorial methods to ensure children have a choice in the method that works best for them.

- Children are encouraged to use and apply their Mathematical knowledge in independent work, guided Maths sessions and through reasoning and problem solving to ensure that their knowledge and skills are secure and embedded. To find out more about reasoning and problem solving, please click here

- A Maths working wall, which promotes Mathematical language and current learning.

- Weekly mental maths (Yr1 – Yr4)  or times table tests (Yr2 – Yr4) to allow children to practise their mental arithmetic skills and times tables under time constraints.

- Regular assessments which are then used to inform planning and cover gaps.

- Clear, high expectations and three assessment points throughout the year, which are reviewed and monitored – interventions are put into place for those children who need extra support to meet the expectations set.